Genetics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Colloquium
Thursdays, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
UC San Diego, Powell-Focht Bioengineering Hall, Fung Auditorium
Complete schedule here
SDCSB Seed Grants
The San Diego Center for Systems Biology (SDCSB) invites applications for up to five SDCSB Seed Grants for Collaborative Research Projects. SDCSB seeks to foster Systems Biology – particularly pertaining to the emergent network properties that regulate the cellular responses to stress. Please see for mission, broader goals, research activities and outreach activities of SDCSB.
SDCSB Seed Grants
Funding period: Sept 15, 2013 to August 31, 2014
Funding amount: $35,000 in total (direct and indirect) costs
Application Deadline: August 25, 2013
Any Principal Investigator at San Diego/La Jolla institutions is eligible, including previous seed grant recipients
Currently funded laboratories can only function as collaborators, but not as principal investigators of seed grants
Peer Review coordinated by SDCSB Steering Committee
General Review Criteria
– Systems Biology approaches, focus on the emergent properties of biological systems
– Quality and potential Impact of proposed Research to address cellular stress responses
– Conceptual and Technological innovation
Specific Review Criteria
– Collaboration or Synergy with SDCSB-funded labs and/or Research Cores: Progress Report will need to be integrated with a Research Program ( or Research Cores (
– Involves a ≥4 week internship by a designated Trainee (postdoc or graduate student) in the collaborating lab or hosting a trainee from the collaborating lab for the purposes of research training and/or exchange of technology/expertise/approach.
– Participate (PI or PDR/GSR) in weekly SDCSB breakfast meeting
– Present poster at the SDCSB “Systems-to-Synthesis” Symposium on May 16, 2014
– Provide Progress Report and budget summary for Annual Renewal by June 15, 2014.
Application Instructions
Please submit a single pdf file to SDCSB ( by August 25, 2013.
1. Biosketch (up to 4 pages) current NIH style with project-tailored section A: Personal Statement.
2. Research Proposal (3 pages)
-Part A: Background and Significance (0.5-1 page)
-Part B: Research Aims and Approach (1-2 pages)
-Part C: Synergies with SDCSB: How will you benefit, how will others benefit? (0.5 page)
-Identify the person in your lab who will participate in weekly SDCSB meetings. Given their background, how will their training benefit?